We believe creativity is at the core of what it means to be human. We handcraft luxury leather bags that inspire creatives and professionals of all kinds to share their talent and skills with the world.
Each MORPHOSIX leather bag was designed with style and function in mind. These luxury bags are perfect for creators, hair stylists, makeup-artists, and the modern professional to protect and transport their essential tools and create on the-go. All hand-crafted in Los Angeles, CA
John Granados - Creative Director
With over 30 years in the beauty industry, our Creative Director, John Granados, brings a wealth of expertise and global experience to MORPHOSIX. John has collaborated with leading designers, photographers, and celebrities, contributing to top fashion shows across New York, Los Angeles, and Europe. His portfolio includes work with renowned designers like Paul Smith, Alexander McQueen, Versace, Cynthia Rowley, and Yoshi Yoshimoto.